Clinic Hours:

Monday – Friday 0800 – 1700
Saturday 0800 – 1100
Sunday 0900 – 1100

Please ring 4776 6800 for an appointment or book online using the above link.  Every effort will be made to accommodate your preferred time and doctor.  Emergencies will always be given priority and our reception staff will attempt to contact you if there is any unforeseen delay or your doctor has been called away.  Longer consultation times are available, so please ask our receptionists if you require some extra time.  If you or a family member requires an interpreter service, we can organise this for you.  Please let us know when you make the appointment.

Fees and Billing Arrangements:
Hinchinbrook Health Care is a mixed billings practice. Pensioners, Veterans, Health Care Card holders and children under 16 may be bulk billed. Fees will be determined by each doctor as per their own individual listed fees.

Fees are payable at the time of consultation by cash, cheque, eftpos or credit card.

After hours arrangements:
The practice provides care after hours for patients between the hours of 5pm and 11pm Monday to Friday.  Please call the normal surgery number (4776 6800) and you will be provided with the mobile telephone number of the Doctor on-call.  Outside these hours, medical advice is available by telephoning the GP Helpline on 1800 022 222.

Alternatively, Ingham Hospital has an emergency department available 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

Ingham Hospital
McIlwraith Street
Ph: 4720 3000

All patients are bulk-billed for consultations during the after hours period.

Home visits:
Home visits and Residential Aged Care Facilities visits are available for patients whose condition prevents them from attending the surgery. Please contact the reception staff should you wish to know further about this.

If you require urgent medical attention, please dial 000 for assistance and ask for an ambulance.

Telephone Access:
Doctors in the practice may be contacted during normal surgery hours.  If the doctor is with a patient, a message will be taken and you will be advised by the reception staff when it is likely that the doctor will return your call.  Your call will always be put through to the doctor in an emergency.

Our practice aims to ensure all patient messages or other communications including emails that require subsequent follow-up by a doctor or other staff member are responded to in a timely manner

Repeat Prescriptions:
Any request for repeat prescriptions will require 72 hours notice to complete should the doctor approve. There may be a charge associated with this. Should a script be required earlier than 72 hours, it is requested that an appointment be made.

Reminder Systems:
Hinchinbrook Health Care uses a reminder system for various tests, procedures and assessments. These are created by the doctor for the patient and are generated by the computer. Letters are mailed to the address of the patient. We also offer SMS reminders for appointments as well.

Result Recalls:
It is the patients’ responsibility to follow-up all results. Doctors will check results as they become available and mark those results requiring review to come in. Either an Admin staff member or Nurse will then contact the patient to organise a follow-up appointment.

Travel Subsidy Scheme:
If you need to travel outside of the Hinchinbrook District for medical treatment, you may be eligible for a travel subsidy.

Your medical record is a confidential document. It is a policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. Hinchinbrook Health Care complies with the Australian Privacy Principles available here. You can access the information in your health record through making a written request to our clinic.

If you wish to have your results given to family members or carers, please ask for a Patient Authorisation Form which is to be signed and scanned into your records.

Patient Feedback:
At Hinchinbrook Health Care we welcome comments, feedback or advice. Please feel free to fill out a feedback form and place this in the box located on the magazine rack in the waiting room. Alternatively, please speak with Reception staff or the Practice Manager. We take your feedback and concerns seriously. Should you have any unresolved issue that you wish to take further please contact:

Office of Health Ombudsman
PO Box 13281 George St
Brisbane, Q 4003
Telephone: 133 646
Fax: (07) 3319 6350
email: [email protected]


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